Month: June 2016


I was brought up in church from what I remember in my childhood. I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 17. Throughout my younger years , I struggled with religion and my place in God's kingdom and His plans for my life. I have had a lot of evangelists and ministers prophesies on my life, my future, and my place in God's kingdom. I tired to live up to all the things that I had heard, wanting to please God in every way possible. I was a woman seeking after God's own heart. For years, I labored in the church, I taught Sunday school to the youth, I sang in the mass choir and the gospel choir. I began to follow a daily routine of what was expected out of every day Christians, and I was not happy. I felt like I should've been doing more. In the year 2008, I began to go into renal failure. I was very sick and wasn't able to attend church like I normally did. I continue to send my four children to church in my absence. There were times when I was so sick that I wanted to end my life. I can remember a vision I had during this difficult part of my journey. I visioned a pack of wolves circling my bed with flaming red eyes. I was so afraid , I called out to Jesus and the wolves disappeared. Later my Bishop at my church told me that it was evil waiting on me to take my soul. I don't know if that was true or not, but, the vision was real. The following year I was in complete renal failure and I began dialysis treatments three day a week. 22 moths of being on dialysis, I received a kidney and pancreas transplant. I was back and I had a brand new purpose in the church. I felt the passion of my new found love for God. I was so happy about my blessing , that I was spreading the gospel like wildfire. I couldn't be move. In 2012, I was struck with E. coli. I was in a coma for four days. The transplanted kidney underwent so much trauma that I had to get a couple of dialysis treatments to get it functioning again. From then until now I continue to have trouble with my kidney that I was recently placed back on Dialysis. My kidney gave out on me last July.At the time I was in school, taking care of my sick mother and raising my own family. My mother passed while was attending school and It took a lot out of me. I was going to dialysis and doing my internship to become a medical assistant. I made it through. I give all the GLORY and HONOR to my LORD and SAVIOR. I save my testimony with everyone that I meet. I encourage my children everyday that no mater what kind of adversity you face, "with Christ, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE". Currently, I work in a multi-specialty pediatric office, and I get my dialysis treatments on a nocturnal shift. Spending the good news and my testimony. GLORY TO GOD. I ask that you continue to keep my family and I in Prayer.

Saying Goodbye

Russell and I have had some pretty hard days in our 22 years together. When we first met and fell in love, we endured much pain from those who considered me a bad choice of bride for him; even resulting in the family vicar refusing to marry us. We’ve experienced the agony of sudden separation at the hands of airport immigration officials, ending up 6,000 miles apart. We missed our wedding day. We’ve lost a baby. We’ve lived with parents. We’ve lost dear friends who’ve turned against us. We’ve stepped off a corporate ladder, going from plenty to barely…

If I Ever Forget

God, you are the only thing that matters. Don’t let me forget that you rescued me, filled me with life, and gave me purpose. Remind me of your goodness and your love. When my head gets clouded in this crazy life, remind me. Remind me.

Repairing sibling relationships

They were the people we grew up with. And whether we enjoyed a close relationship with our siblings, fought like crazy, or never really knew them,  our brothers and sisters can be some of the hardest people to love!  Today on Discover the Word, we talk about how biblical love can repair and reinforce sibling relationships. […]

John’s Question

I had plans for how my life was supposed to work out,” my friend David said. “And when things didn’t go as planned, I became bitter and resentful.” Who can relate to David? I definitely can! Often I find myself imposing my expectations on God as rights, and then sulking when they aren’t realized.

No Drifting

At the end of one school semester, my wife and I picked up our daughter from her school 100 kilometers (60 miles) away. On our way back home we detoured to a nearby beach resort for snacks. While enjoying our time there, we watched the boats at the seashore. Usually they are anchored to prevent them from drifting away, but I noticed one boat drifting unhindered among the others—slowly and steadily making its way out to sea.

As we drove home, I reflected on the timely caution given to believers in the book of Hebrews: “We must pay the most careful…


King Pyrrhus had tasted victory against the Romans in the Battle of Asculum (279 BC). But the victory was bittersweet. Pyrrhus lamented, “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined.” Why? Even though the Romans had sustained more losses in the battle, the depth of their army was far greater. So Pyrrhus knew that ultimate victory in war with Rome was impossible.

Shocking Honesty

When the minister asked one of his elders to lead the congregation in prayer, the man shocked everyone. “I’m sorry, Pastor,” he said, “but I’ve been arguing with my wife all the way to church, and I’m in no condition to pray.” The next moment was awkward. The minister prayed. The service moved on. Later, the pastor vowed never to ask anyone to pray publicly without first asking privately.

That man demonstrated astonishing honesty in a place where hypocrisy would have been easier. But there is a larger lesson about prayer here. God is a loving Father. If I as a…

Starting Over

As part of their training, all new presenters on the radio use a practice log—an exact replica of the live log except for one small difference in the file name. It’s a little like a flight simulator for pilots; you get to make mistakes without embarrassing or devastating consequences. It’s a great system for trainees, but if a seasoned presenter accidentally use the practice log to prerecord her radio program, it won’t be able to air.

A Firm Place to Stand

The historic riverwalk area of Savannah, Georgia, is paved with mismatched cobblestones. Local residents say that centuries ago the stones provided ballast for ships as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean. When cargo was loaded in Georgia, the ballast stones were no longer needed, so they were used to pave the streets near the docks. Those stones had accomplished their primary job—stabilizing the ship through dangerous waters.

            The days in which we live can feel as turbulent as the high seas. Like sailing ships of old, we need stability to help us navigate our way through the storms of life. David…

In His Presence

Take a look!

Inspired to spend more time with God? Read this booklet to find out how. Click to [read samples pages] or [request printed copies].

Forgiveness for those who hurt us the most

Is there a family hurt you can’t seem to get past? A word, an action, or a mistake that makes forgiveness seem impossible? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how to offer God’s forgiveness to those who’ve hurt us the most. We’re finding “The Beauty of Broken” today  on Discover the Word!

Genuine Love

I doubt that any word gets tossed around in our world with such frequency and flippancy as love. It’s common for us to justify selfish behavior or whitewash actions harmful to others all in the name of some weak notion of “love.” Too often our actions performed under the guise of love have nothing whatsoever to do with the reality of it.

Living for eternity

When Melody’s 20-year-old daughter died instantly in a car accident, the only thought that brought her comfort was that her child was now with Jesus. Learn how God gave purpose to Melody’s grief and launched a passion for living with an eternal perspective. Find purpose in the midst of loss.

What Jesus Said About Suffering

Why would a good God allow you to suffer and abandon you in the midst of your pain? In “What Jesus Said About Suffering,” you’ll travel to Israel with Mart DeHaan and hear from biblical scholars as they discuss the “whys” of suffering. Examine the words of Jesus that reveal His response to human anguish. […]

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